This blog is meant to be about my family. Who do you consider your family? I have my mom, my stepdad, my two sisters, my niece, my brother-in-law, my boyfriend, my best friends, my friends of friends, and anyone in between. Not to mention my good ol' dad up there in the sky. Too many people to count on my fingers and toes but I have to tell you, that's the best feeling in the entire world. This trip has really let me experience the feeling of being loved by all of these people. Being away for this long is kind of terrible but kind of awesome. Yes I'm very contradictory but hey this is my blog not yours. I do what I want. Anyways, the other day I got to FaceTime my niece and let me tell you, all the homesickness I shoved away came rushing back. I thought surely she'd forgotten who I was by now. But that little princess immediately said "Hi Aunt D" and then I just wanted to jump on a plane right then and there. After that I came to the realization that I need to stay: for her and for myself. What would I accomplish if I just got up and quit right then and there. Honestly I'd probably be fine for a little bit then I would miss the last week in Peru. Ugh decisions are hard. Here I am making what should be an easy decision but turns out its hard. I can tell you though, that my family will wait the extra week and half for me to come back and man I cannot wait.
Now, lets talk politics. HAHA I know, I never talk politics. But I finally (kind of) understand it...her in Peru at least. So on Sunday, they had elections. The voting age here is 18 just like the U.S. But the difference is, you have to vote. If you do not vote, you will get fined depending on the place you live. My host sister is studying in Germany right now. She eve has to pay a fine. She can't get out of it from half way across the world. RUDE PERU GOVERNMENT RUDE. So there are a few things that do not make sense about election weekend. You cannot buy alcohol on election weekend. Us girls wanted to have a little party and we had to buy alcohol on a friday. Ugh #thirdworldproblems. I heard from my host sister that if you get caught drinking that you could get in a lot of trouble. I don't know how accurate that is though. Because on Saturday night we went out with our Peruvian friends and they seemed like they could care less about this rule. So to sum it up, I actually know nothing about politics still. Oh well.
Next order of business: I go to the Amzon tomorrow! Holllah back. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. This has always been my dream and now I get to go see little baby animals and snuggle with them and they might bite my head off but I don't care. My next blog with most likely be me bragging about getting bit by a piranha or licked by a sloth or some weird stuff like that. I can't wait.
So chao for now!
picture me holding a monkey instead....blessed
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